Thursday, January 10, 2013

a good omen

A very interesting thing happened today, which I consider as a good omen.

It is the round stone, which I bought long time ago from Dali Yunnan in my very first trip to there. The seller told me that it is called 'the eye of heaven'. It looks really like an eyeball. There was a period of time I felt fancy about this kind of stone, so I bought them from Fujian, from Sichuan, from Tibet, from Yunnan, from wherever I saw them. Until now, I have still got several bracelets which are chained with "the eyes of heaven", small ones, certainlly. But the one which I am talking about now, is a rather big one. Its diameter is about 7 or 8 cm. I placed it on the windowsill originally. Under the stone, there was a little candle, from Ikea, with a very thin alluminium cup. The stone and the candle were stuck with each other since not long after I bought the stone. How did that happen? No idea. I remember that I have been trying a great deal to get them apart from each other, but unsuccessful. So I gave up eventually and expected that they two might have to stuck together forever.

Nevertheless, this morning, after I closed the window and about to put the stone back to the windowsill, the candle cup dropped to the ground. All a sudden, I was amazed. On the body of the stone, there were still a small area covered with a very thin layer of wax and I removed them very easily with my finger nail.

Should I consider it as the sign of right and justice? The eye of heaven is opened finally.

I picked up the candle cup from the ground and I found that the candle wax was so clear and transperent, like crystal! I took the lighter out from the cupboard above the sink in the kitchen and lighted it to milt the surface of the candle in order to get the burried wick out. Everything was just perfect. Amazing. After that, I lighted up the candle and placed it into the candle-hold in front of photos of my mother and grandma. The eye of heaven, since I cannot find a better seat for it, I put it onto a candle-hold too.

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