Today, at breakfast table, while applying butter onto bread, the scene, in which how did Epilef apply butter onto his bread, appeared crossing the screen of my brain.
That was the very first time, that I saw somebody eating in such reckless manner——as if he couldn't wait for even one second longer, while in fact, it might really take longer, when one applies butter onto bread beautifully even.
Then I said to myself, how could he treat his food in such way, while he cares about his appearance and the brands of his clothes so much? Is that only because the food would be hidden in the stomach eventually? If this could be the possible reason, what would be the meaning of cooking at all? Why does he still take the trouble of smashing around the cube of butter, why doesn't he simply have one bite of bread, one bite of sausage, together with one bite of butter?
The incoherent mind is always leaving traces from ones everyday life behavior. Another immediate example of this incoherence of mind is that he is talking about the importance of fair-trade, while giving substantial support to globalized branding.
While sat on the toilet, I caught a passage from Sontag's book as the follows:
How many people could obtain the ability of this kind of coherence?
[转载]星云大师 :佛陀一生给世人的二十条忠告
7 years ago
dear, sometimes, I did do this way to my breakfast:
one bite of bread, one bite of sausage, together with one bite of butter.
@Lucy: hmm, I can imagine that scene. You are simply too busy, dear Lucy.
But the amazing thing is that you are able to keep all splendor and beautiful sophistication of thousands of details in life, and at the same time, share your love and care with the others, no matter how busy you are.
Another thing, I wonder if you have listened to 蒋勋's lectures on 红楼梦, by any chance? I think it is really great! (His different ways of pronunciation to some words, could not undermine the brilliance at all.) It cooks my desire on having a little poetry group again.
蒋勋's lectures on 红楼梦? what is it? lectures on TV or somewhere?
no, I don't think I have time, but if I can get a disk, I may have chance to view it at the weekend.
don't you think you have hidden too long time? they are all looking for you.
@Lucy: Hello, Lucy! I have dreamt about you and Lindy last night. Pitty that I got the details lost while waking up. Wish a nice weekend!
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