When professor Yu mentioned Kant, as a counter example, while discussing the notion of 'nation' in the sense of Hegel and Fichte, he remarked, Kant's philosophy was too quiet and too silent, for arousing a wide reaction in the society and reach too far among the mass.
No wonder that how much people are feverish about making noise.
Following the thought of professor Yu, a question appeared in my mind was, when would the modern Chinese great thinkers or intellectuals feel comfortable, peaceful and inspiring enough to dwell into normal little towns or remote villages, instead of those discovered or newly built cultural tourist spots? And further, from the fact that I do not even know that which flat and which hospital was the place where I was born, I wonder, which places, where famous writers from nowadays have resided, could have the honor (or luck) to be found, kept and presented to the public in future, for bearing the respect from their admirers?
Certainly, this question could make sense only when one could aware of the chaotic contemporary Chinese history and could have been noticing the fact that non of the contemporary intellectuals are worth passionate admiration by their practice of all-round virtuous charm. Not even Liu Xiaobo, I guess.
The merit of noise, is to enable gaps and flaws of reason escaping from required attention.
Interesting points developped by you and professor Yu.
Are these thoughts on noise also inspired by the fact that this weekend the Moers festival takes place? Or also influenced by the spiritual link, as I ordered a book called "Roaring Silence" yesterday?
haha~~~~~~obviously, the spiritual link...
hmm, actually, professor Yu has made a lot noteworthy remarks in the sense of urging a reform in China. But due to his fishy way of acting, he is criticised severely by the public intellectuals, such as Yu Jie.
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