Llosa is one of those who can make people laugh while reading. This is the first impression that I get from his work. Reading him, one can see a vivid image of a witty old man with the warm Caribbean casualty. I am not going to make a remark such as his writing is an exquisite banquet of culture or so. But what makes me like him, is undoubtedly the rich details. Through his amusing narration in a calm voice, through his seemingly arbitrary angle-shifting, with smile, one can see a face with a faint held-back irony, and at the same time, it is impossible for one to miss those questions, which the writer placed, directly and deliberately, in front of his readers, on various different phenomena of human society, including loving affairs, cultural approaches, political entities, sexual conflicts, etc.
Yesterday, I came cross a passage from professor Yu's Xing Zhe Wu Jiang, when he was discussing the quality of city. He said, if one sees youth and beauty are sparkling everywhere in a town, there must be then still a long time of cooking required, for turning the town really flavory, due to that some of the instruments have not finished their tuning for an harmonious play. It is very similar with writing. In a literary work, if one could find bunch of adjectives like women put on a heavy make-up, parallelled rhetoric arrangement like lovers shoulder against shoulder, then, the writer must be still wandering outside the entrance of writing.
So, does the kind of writer you have in mind when reading Vargas Llosa look like this?
hehe, unfortunately, not like that. Nevertheless, it matches the perspective of 'easy going'. Besides, as you always reminded, pictures can lie.:-)
I guess that from my picture, people can very easily draw the conclude of that I am very easy going. But in fact, I am only lazy.:-)
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