Today, there will be 1 million books distributed to common folks for free in Deutschland and Deutschland is not alone with this action in the world, there are also the Great Britain and the USA.
My husband has registed as a distributor early last month already. Today, it is the official day of action. He packed 20 books in his bag for going to work and passed them to the bus-passengers. Nevertheless, he phoned back and warned me that people's reaction might be different from what do we expect, because he has encountered somebody who thought that he was doing some religious promotion. Does he look like one of those guys? Funny enough. I guess the Austrians know better about how to read people's faces than Germans.
Anyway, my own experience was nearly fine, except one case of refusal. Among ten of them who have accepted the book as present, a girl even claimed that she was informed of this day from some other source. Ha!
The very first one whom i approached, was a girl, casually dressed, in a way that a normal student would look like. She was a bit surprised, but said 'thanks' and happy. That was at the platform of Westpark U-bahn station.
The second one whom I caught, was a Chinese girl, in U6 on the way to Marienplatz. After confirmed her Chinese identity, our conversation was changed into Chinese, certainly. A very soft gentle girl. I couldn't immediately be sure of her Chinese identity, mainly because her face and her temperament are really not typical Chinese enough. Could be Japanese. right, Japanese. She is a law researcher, specific on property laws. That is a totally strange field to me. We chatted a bit about the chaotic reality of law practice in mainland China, and then turned the topic into her current living and her plan of future in Deutschland. In the end, she mentioned that her parents will come to visit her in the coming weekend, so she has just booked a tour. A charming creature. She was very interested about the world book day's action. She even noticed the long snakes outside the bookshop which passed by. She said she was wondered.
I took off from U6 and went up to Marienplatz. Probably it was still too early, on the square, there were no crowd at all. But I focused two Chinese figures, which were still showing their indecisiveness about what to do next. a young couple, most probably, students. I went to them and asked them if they know that today is the world book day. They, like the majority, had no idea about this. Then I asked them if they understand German. They said 'no'. Then I asked them if they would like to have a German book nevertheless as a souvenir? They showed no interest. So I wished them a nice day and didn't want to bother them any more. I turned into Dienerstrasse and stopped two girls with capped coffee cup in their hands. Two fashionable girls, in their 20s, probably working in shops somewhere around, probably a bit hollow in their heads, but it doesn't matter. I passed a book to them in their puzzled eyesight. In a skeptical air, they turned some pages in the book. I wish them a good day.
I headed to the Residenz. Yet its wall is covered again for reconstruction. The square in front of the Bayrish theater, was strangely empty. There was only an English man sitting on the foot of Mat-Joseph statue and reading his tour guide. With distance, a woman facing the statue, was measuring the angle of the camera in her hands. I entered the ticket office of the Residenz and found the toilet there to give myself a relief. There were not many people waiting in the entrance hall. The business of the Residenz was obviously not good. Far below its actual value. What a shame! After visited schoenbonne, I have developed a great pitty for the Residenz in Muenchen. To my perception, with my honesty, I think that there are far more things, to see, to enjoy, in here than in the royal palace of Wien. Sure, that is non of my business. I continued my tour directing to Odeonsplatz. Some ugly Asian girls were taking photos there, on and off from the zebra line by the tr

I was bored and started descending to the underground with the elevator. A man with decent look was standing ahead of me. So I greeted him and brought up my mission. He could not get what I said in the beginning, so I had to repeat myself. But he still could not get it and stretching out his left ear toward my direction. Quite an amusing situation. I bent lower to him and spoke directly upon his ear. Thanks God, he finally got it. Puh, I guess he should visit a clinic and check his hearing ability. But sure, he looked like a nice man. Who knows, probably he is even a member of the booklover's club and intends to inspect in what way and how well the action has been processed. This was the only man, to whom I delivered a gift-book.
I boarded myself on U5 and took off at the train station. The people flow there made me think that there might be a considerably good target place. However, I didn't get in the station immediately. Instead, I went to the Asianmarkt. I passed a book to the female staff there and got some cooking materials and snacks which were short of stock at home. The female shopkeeper responded in a careless way. I rather tend to say, an annoying careless shabby way. She made me thought that she knew the matter at first, with her up-rising voice. 'Ah ja', she said. She can speak very genuine German. Actually she started working in this shop not for too long. But very quickly, she made herself comfortable there like a deep-fried oil strip. At the cashier counter, the shop owner tried to avoid the receipt again. However, I requested for it.
The hunting in the train station should not be counted as too successful, I guess. I gave a book to a girl, who was standing by a selling booth, which had not started their business for the day, and reading. To give a book to people who are reading, would be most probably not leading to a failure, I guess. After that, I approached two Asian girls, who were looking for right food with impatience. They are Koreans, they claimed. Sure, even if they didn't say so, I could have guessed that as well. The one who was responsible for speaking with me, was rather arrogant, as if I was really doing some religious propaganda.
Returned to the underground, I disturbed a girl who was reading again. She was the one who is aware of the nature of today's celebrity. She said thanks with her timid sincerity.
Then, I found another cuty nice Chinese girl. I believe that the happiness she showed to me was a highly percentage true one, although Chinese girls are so good on acting nowadays. She was wiping her nose with a handkerchief, when I started speaking to her. She excused for that. She said that she become very easy to get allergy in Muenchen. She is a student of German language and willing to challenge her future in here. Wish her luck.
The last book, I gave to a girl, who was just about to enter the gate of Harras U-bahn station. She was overwhelmingly joyful. Her reaction was a bit exceed my expectation. Nevertheless, I consider it as a gift for the day.
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