I am forced to use Internet to complete the so called long form question for 2011 census otherwise they will send someone to the house to ask all those stupid questions such as where were you at 3 am on 30th of June 2011???????? also I have to fill in 3 forms as they sent 3 letters to ground, 1st and 2nd floors of 137B, I called them there is not 2nd floor at 137B, they still insisted me to fill in another form to say there is no one living in 2nd floor...............so crazy la...............
There were more than 100000 people for the July 1st rally as I expected, 1000 more occupied. actually sleeping on the main street of central so they had to be carried away by the polices after-ward, so waste of resources as lots of people were waiting on the buses or taxi-es and cars for a few hours as the police had to clear the road first...............another HK story la...........
Everything is fine and another hot week ahead...............please have a wonder Sunday, big big hello to Kai la........
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