Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's new

Nothing new today, or yesterday, or the day before yesterday.
I sat in front of the computer for the whole night last night, but without a single sentence squeezed out from my head.
Several days ago, I asked Kai; is it possible that the desire for writing in English would be blocked by the fact that I am trying to use proper Chinese for writing?
His reply was a definite 'No'. He said that it is so normal for him to have several sorts of language jumping out in his mental space while he is actually using only one language for speaking or writing. He is a peculiar case, I have to say. I always think so. Then, what's the meaning for me to keep asking for his opinion, while I believe that he cannot be the representative for normal cases?
Anyway, the problem last night was, that I was having conversation with an encyclopedia in human form. This person I have just found from blogging. He is simply too smart, too philosophical and systematic. Whatever I say, he could say clearer and deeper than I do. Then, why do I still keep thinking?
So, I could say, my intelligence was blocked by people whose intelligent level is on a height that I believe I cannot reach.
That was the story of last night.

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