few days ago, my husband exclaimed, 'oh, I didn't recognize that you are suuuuuuch an idealist!'
I think that I have always been and I still is. It has nothing to do with passion, I don't have passion any more, I think. but I still rather like reasoning, if the circumstance allows me to do so. I demand absolute balance, absolute justice, absolute equality when applying principles to whatever groups of people or whatever situation. Principle is entitled to be practiced that way. It is the essential meaning that the word bears in itself.
certainly, I perfectly aware that it doesn't work in reality. simply cannot. that is why my passion is fading following the age.
just now, by accident, I glanced the statement of my own blog head. I found that it sounds like from a person with passion. I like all these kinds of little proofs so much, traces of myself. I was once passionate, though desperate.
my husband is having a job interview at this very moment. although the future is not forseeable, I wish him, above all elements it might cause and bring, happiness.
while taking care of the furry hairs on my forehead, the scattered white ones have reminded me of a friend from Beijing, who is much younger than my age. From the perspective of that she dares to keep her hair in its natural status, I owe her my admiration. good on her!
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