Saturday, January 14, 2012


My husband started reading a new book to me. The book is called Brazilian Adventure, which was written by an Englishman in 1930s.
We have reached the end of chapter 2 today. There is some imperialist sentiment spreading from it. Certainly, it is quite natural when considering the reality by then. Sure, there is also an understandably air of arrogance on illiteracy. This kind of attitude can never be entirely erased from the mentality of intellectuals, disregarding the era, or how kind these intellectuals could be. The part that described the reaction of the society, when they had heard of the story about a lost man in his expedition to an unknown world, is amusing enough. The questions which had aroused in their mind, could be something like, 'Had he been made a god? Had he voluntarily renounced civilization in favor of the jungle?' or 'Is Jack Fawcett Buddha?' (p.26)
This time, we remembered to record the reading. The energy consumption is there, then why don't just store it as resource?

I dreamt about Lucy last night again. She was busy with writing new year cards in my dream. That is the only distinguishable plot, which can make sense. Certainly, we never expect dreams making sense. Among other scattered happenings, the mother of Lucy was also appeared. Her outlook was not a bit older than Lucy. She was distributing some valuable things to others.
On another occasion, somebody showed me two glasses, in an extremely treasurable manner. The surrounding looked like a little boutique, or only a corner in somebody's home? Not sure. Among those two glasses, one looked no doubted made of gold, but that was not where the attention lay. The other one, though it looked nothing so extremely special to my eyes, that guy didn't even let me touch it, as if I would have destroyed it. The absurd thing was, that both of us knew that it should be unbreakable, because it was only an imitation of crystal, no matter how much does it look like a real one and even if it contained 12 times of Cr.
I remember this Cr element from my dream very clearly, long after I woke up. So I check online, to find out what it is. According to the online dictionary, the full name of it is Chromium. It is a metal, which is normally applied to stainless steel production. 12 times of the usual dosage. Wow! It should be not only unbreakable, but also far exceeding the strength that one's imagination could ever reach. No matter how much do they look like crystal.


Spring Day said...

After you have recently helped me up with your mathematics knowledge, now your science skill amazes me. Chemistry, wow! You can make crystal unbreakable by adding chromium.

A university class mate has recently drawn my attention onto the discussions of some inherent racism of a comedy theatre production in Berlin. The advertising poster has a white man painted black, and in the theatre piece they have the same situation. Critics ask: Why didn't they get a black man as an actor? What's behind this tradition of white men "playing black"?
What you describe as an understandable phenomenon of the 1930s is still with us. We've got to keep being aware of things...

ayu1234 said...

@Spring Day: lal.
Do you think that there is any link between the parts of my dream? Subconscious is such a mysterious and interesting thing.