Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the letter from my 'euro Mama'

Liebe Grace,
bevor du zu deiner Familie fliegst, möchte ich dir auch noch ein paar Worte mit auf den Weg geben.
Es ist sehr verständlich, dass dein Vater und die Geschwister jetzt mit dir zusammen sein wollen.
Da ihr wusstet, dass eure Mutter nicht mehr geheilt werden kann, war es wohl ein voraus zu sehender Abschied.
Du hast uns mal von Eigenarten deiner Mutter etwas erzählt und bist sicher auf deine Art damit zurecht gekommen. Aber du wirst zufrieden sein, sie im Herbst nochmal besucht zu haben.
Wenn die kommenden Tage nicht einfach für dich sind, so hast du doch Kai dabei, der dir sicher eine Hilfe sein wird.
Wir denken an dich,
Mama und Papa.

I was really touched when I received this letter, for the considerate, warm, loving hearts, which it indicates.
Life is transient. I think that it is really necessary for one to do what one really wants to do and to express what is really flowing through one's mind.
Love is a beautiful feeling. It is not 'cool' when preventing it to be expressed.
I am so lucky to have such parent-in-law, who dare to show what do they feel.


lucy said...

Dearest grace,

I can't read german but I can feel that you are so lucky for becoming Kai's family.


Spring Day said...

...but let's not forget the tensed or stressful moments of this relationship... How good that those are balanced by such positive moments

ayu1234 said...

to me, things should never be mixed up, just like 1 is always 1 and could be only 1, even 1.001 is already off the track.

ayu1234 said...

@Lucy: yes, dearest Lucy, although we should always be aware of the cultural-shock, I feel really lucky that I do not have to be bothered by cunning personality or any kind of conspiracy in this family.

Kai Weber said...

my dear, I'm always aware that your analytical skills are admirable. yet to me things in life often look mixed up ("life is a mingled yarn", as Shakespeare said) and I'm sometimes not so easy to distinguish between 1 and 1.001, you know...

ayu1234 said...

@Spring Day: things are mixed up, that is no doubt. nevertheless, it doesn't mean that we are absolutely unabole to put different things side by side in order. just like that we do not have to like somebody only because they are 'good', and we do not like somebody doesn't mean that they are not 'good'. hehe