Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blue 3

Often enough, when considering those foreigners who went cross the poorest or most remote regions of China, we would normally come to a conclusion that they are just seeking the exotic discoveries for satisfying their adventurer's ambition or expedition. When this kind of thought went through our mind, there were normally some undeniable sentiment similar to kind of secret resentment. But why? What do we judge the actions of ourselves when we visited the local families of some minority areas? Sure it is easy to say that we are trying to experience their way of life, or we are trying to understand their value or their life-philosophy. But the problem is that are we really able to do so? Are we really equipped enough wisdom or enough space in our mind to do so? Certainly we might really appreciate the undecorated humbleness or primitiveness of the means of their living. Nevertheless, how could we simply jump to the conclusion directly from our assumptions?

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